⭐️NEW STORE OPENING FEB 2025⭐️ Highcrest Shopping Centre 1644 N. Alpine Rd. Rockford, IL 61107 Dragonfly & Company is proud to carry a carefully curated line of quality gift and decor items with our customers in mind. We consciously choose to buy from small businesses like ourselves from around the world. These businesses are family owned, women owned, minority owned, eco-friendly, socially conscious and give back to their communities, charities and causes of their choice. They help support, protect and educate on a wide variety of incredibly important and diverse subjects. By purchasing from these companies, Dragonfly & Company is helping to support their efforts and initiatives. However, as much as we would like to carry products from only small socially conscious businesses, it’s extremely difficult. But to ensure that EVERY product sold in our store is supporting someone or something, Dragonfly & Company will donate 5% of our net profits from ALL store sales to our local community animal organization ⭐️Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary, Inc.⭐️ - Where your purchase make a difference -

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Discover the passion of a small family-owned business committed to quality products and exceptional customer service. Shop now!